A Hobby Gone Mad.
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Corgi Military Vehicles
Airfix Poly Models 1/72
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Solido 202S Patton Tank Desert 1/50 Boxed 1972
Solido No.205 105mm Field Gun on Swivel Boxed
Solido 227 AMX VCI Personnel Carrier 1/50 Boxed 1972
Solido 231 M4 A3 Sherman Tank 1/50 Boxed 1972
Solido M4 A3 Sherman Tank 1/50 Boxed 1972
Solido M10 Tank Destroyer Tank 1/50 Boxed 1970-80's
Solido No.303 Camion Berliet Sahara Truck Boxed
Solido No.230 AMX 13 90mm Tank Boxed
Solido, 6139 Famous Battles AMX Twin Barrel Anti Aircraft Tank
Solido, 6139 Famous Battles Berliet GBC Truck
Vintage Solido 6108 Military 1 Willy's Jeep and Trailer ; 1:50
Vintage Solido 50th Anniversary VE Day 6203 Half Track Radio M3 US
Vintage Solido 6105 Military 1 Willy's Jeep and Trailer ; 1:50 Ltd Ed 0788
Vintage Solido Military 1 German Jagd Panther 1:50 Ltd Ed 2887
Vintage Solido Military 1 6106 GMC Truck 1:50 Ltd Ed 4022
Solido Age d'Or Citroen Traction FFI
VINTAGE Solido 242 Dodge 6x6 Truck - 1:50 - Military
Solido 44/94 US M3 Half Track 2nd DB Ltd Edit
Solido 44/94 DodgeWC51 US Ltd Edit